Venice Underwater

Happier Times Sailing Through Venice

Our most recent cruise was due to leave from Venice cruise terminal. I decided to splurge on a nice hotel on the island of Murano since there were direct boats from the airport to Murano as well as from Murano to the cruise terminal. Allowing us to arrive in style. This was the first cruise we were taking with Little Person, so we were keen to introduce her to one of our favourite ways to travel around Europe.

Leaving England went smoothly and we were on our way to Venice airport. It was October and we were told by the captain that there was some bad weather around Venice and we might be in for a rough landing. He wasn’t lying and we had a little bit of a rollercoaster getting onto the ground.

After collecting our luggage we proceeded to the ferry port where we were told that The Lagoon had been closed due to the amount of rain that had been recorded over the last day. As such no ferries were running to get to the Venetian islands. The desk at the airport recommended getting a bus to Piazzale Roma, located next to the train station and then proceeding to Murano from there.

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We travel with our own dive gear

Most people’s least favourite part of getting ready to go on holiday is packing. Figuring out what to bring and vice versa can be quite intimidating, especially if you are visiting somewhere which is very different to where you have been before. We have a few useful tips when it comes to packing that have helped us to manage some very complicated holidays.

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Why we love Bali

Temple at Tanah Lot
Temple at Tanah Lot

We have been to Bali three times and if it was up to Shleah that number would keep going up. It is currently the holiday location that we have spent the most cumulative time in, racking up 36 days there, which considering both the size of the island and the constraints we have around travelling is really quite a lot. I thought I would run through what we like about Bali as well as provide some tips as to how to ensure you have the best holiday there possible. 

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Travel Aspirations

The world is a big place and it can be quite daunting to try and figure out which parts of it you most want to see. Most people only have so much money and only so much time. This is one of the reasons that I recommend making a ranked list of where you want to visit. This list does not need to be based on any conventional logic and should be personal to yourself. It can be tempting to try and visit places you have seen other people go just because they are popular now, rather than putting in the effort to figure out what exactly it is you want in your holiday.

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Spa Tourism

Post Scrub in Marrakech

We have found that one of the best ways to appreciate a destination is to visit the spa there. Prior to moving to Bath, we visited the Thermae Bath Spa which gave us a real connection to the history of the city considering that people have been bathing in these waters for over 2000 years. Visiting a local spa and having the most authentic experience possible is a really great way of appreciating the intricacies of a destination. 

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Flying with a baby

We took Little Person on her first holiday when she was two months old (Alicante), her second when she was four months old (Barbados), her third at five months (New Zealand and Bangkok) and her fourth at six months (Egypt). This was the most travelling we have done in a 6 month period ever. This may seem a little bit crazy and looking back on it if I hadn’t done it myself I would doubt it happened, but truthfully, for a full time working mother, maternity leave is quite possibly the perfect time to travel.

Your sleep schedule is messed up anyway since you are having to be up with the baby so jet lag has less effect on you. If you are a teacher you can for the first time travel outside of school holidays and your baby doesn’t actually require any entertaining, since the only thing he/she wants to do is eat and sleep.

We learnt some really good lessons from our time travelling with Little Person and I thought it would be nice to share them here.

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