Stuck on Big Island, Hawaii

At the beach before disaster struck

Our trip to Hawaii was the culmination of many years planning. Hawaii had always seemed like somewhere we would probably never get to, considering its distance from the UK, so finally making it there was quite a big deal. We visited three islands as part of the holiday, flying into Maui, proceeding to Oahu, then planning to end with six nights on Big Island, split between Kona and Hilo. Kona was also our first ever AirBNB experience so it was quite a few firsts we were experiencing. 

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A quick jaunt to Niagara Falls

At Niagara Falls

On our trip to the Western USA and Hawaii in 2019, we were flying to San Francisco from London on Air Canada via Toronto. We had a seven hour stopover in Toronto and initially planned to get out into the city for a look around. The day before we were due to leave, I suddenly had the idea of hiring a car and driving to Niagara falls instead, since we would not be affected by the traffic leaving Toronto in the evening. I quickly booked a car hire and thus began one of our more ambitious stopover adventures. 

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An afternoon and evening in Singapore

Marina Bay Singapore
Marina Bay Singapore

Our first major long haul trip as a couple was to Bali in 2013. We were flying Singapore Airlines and I discovered both that Singapore had the highest rated airport in the world and also that Singapore was one of the highest rated stopover destinations globally. As such at the end of our 22 days in Bali, I decided to add an eight hour stopover in Singapore.

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An introduction to the Stopover Chronicles

Nowadays. Everyone seems to be in a rush to get to wherever they are going as quickly and as conveniently as possible. Many people are willing to pay a premium to ensure they can get  a non stop flight to their destination of choice. This series is going to discuss the merits of abandoning that as a goal and taking advantage of what stopovers can give you. To date we have had meaningful stopovers involving exploration in several locations including Singapore, Taipei, Toronto, Ho Chi Minh City and Cairo. I will have further posts to discuss the particulars of these stopovers but there are several advantages that are common to all of them.

Taiwan National Theatre
National Theatre during our evening stopover in Taipei
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