
Hanging out with Kamehameha, Honolulu, Hawaii

My name is Aaron and I love travelling, eating and scuba diving. I also love not spending money. Since 2008 I have been trying to fit in as much travel as possible whilst working a full time job. This travel has all been with initially my partner Shleah, who a few years later became my wife and more recently with our daughter who will be referred to as ‘little person’.

Shleah has worked in education over much of this period, forcing me to travel during dreaded school holidays which has led to me finding unique ways to save money whilst still being able to visit all of the places we had heard about as children.

Over the course of our travels we have never felt remotely interested in backpacking, camping or hostels but still like to save here and there. My hope is that this blog will help other people who have similar requirements from their travel to see more of our pretty awesome planet whilst saving some money.

I will be including some of the most helpful things I have learnt over our time travelling, some of the disaster situations we have managed to survive while travelling and also blog entries sharing some of the specifics of the trips we have taken.

The Kelpies in Falkirk, Scotland